Thông tin mô tả
Chính chủ cần cho thuê
- DT 63
- Đặc biệt
- Tiện ích đầy đủ: Bể bơi 4 mùa,
- Thuận tiện di chuyển.
- Giá 10.000.000 đồng.
The owner needs to rent an apartment including 2 bedrooms, 2vs in Hoang Huy Grand apartment So Dau, Hong Bang, Hai Phong.
- Area 63 including 2 bedrooms, 2
- Especially the apartment has a very beautiful view, it can be said the most beautiful in Hai Phong.
- Full facilities: 4 - season swimming pool,
- Convenient to move.
- Price 10.000.000 VND.